Total Medals Earned: 172 (From 83 different games.) Total Medal Score: 2,290 Points
Medals Earned: 2/19 (10/395 points)
Free the planet Sars from the Euphony gods
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Deal at least 9000 damage in a single attack.
Free the planet Marcury from the Euphony gods.
Visit our sponsor by clicking on one of the in-game links.
Reach a max overcharge combo.
Free the planet Jupitupe from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Narpdarp from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Satamalat from the Euphony gods.
Unlock the Audyssey Jukebox
Reach the maximum level.
Free the planet Penos from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Plutoo from the Euphony gods.
Free your home planet, Qweezleqwozzle, from the Euphony gods.
Free the Malky Way from the Euphony gods.
Achieve 12 gold runs (beating a stage with no lives lost).
Beat every stage in the game (including credits).
Get a gold run on every single stage in the game (including credits).
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/80 points)
Kill the N00bs.
Defeat the 67 Bots.
Defeat the Bad Dudes.
Defeat the HUGE Jerks.
Defeat the Castle Crashers.
Defeat the Regular TV crew.
Kill the NG Emotes.
Defeat the Evil Bosses.
Defeat 10 random bosses.
Defeat the VG Legends.
Defeat the Jerk Squad.
Kill the legendary characters.
Defeat the Bourgeois.
Defeat the Travis Bots.
Defeat the NG Folks.
Defeat the Patriots.
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/125 points)
Start playing.
Mine 25 times.
Catch 5 fish.
Pay off 50% of your mortgage.
Buy your fist tool from the mart. (I'd recommend a fishing rod :b)
Spend $10,000 at the mart.
Mine 5 times.
Catch 25 fish.
Pay off 10% of your mortgage.
Buy every shirt.
Catch 50 fish.
Mine 50 times
Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.
Medals Earned: 8/60 (40/500 points)
75% Accuracy in Level 2
85% Accuracy in Level 2
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 1
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
75% Accuracy in Level 1
75% Accuracy in Level 3
85% Accuracy in Level 1
85% Accuracy in Level 3
95% Accuracy in Level 1
95% Accuracy in Level 2
95% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 3
Shoot down two Big Rockets at once
Shoot down two Shield Rockets at once
Shoot down two Big and one Standard Rockets at once
Make a combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down four Mirror Rockets at once
Shoot down two Spawn Rockets at once
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and a Spawn Rocket at once
Shoot down three Energy Rockets
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
100% Accuracy in Level 1
100% Accuracy in Level 2
100% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Avoid all rockets in Level 1
Avoid all rockets in Level 2
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and an Energy Rocket at once
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Avoid all rockets in Level 3
Make a triple combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down two Super Boss Rockets at once in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/85 points)
Got to level 8
Completed the game
Beat the game in one playthrough, without loading or resetting.
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/390 points)
Acquire a pair of Power Boots.
Beat the game!
Blast Caleb to death.
Acquire a Blaster.
Acquire a Rocket Launcher.
Acquire an Accelerator.
Acquire all artifacts.
Medals Earned: 1/13 (25/415 points)
complete the level without using rockets
kill 50 enemies
kill 100 enemies
drive 100 km
get 10 repair kits
complete 3 special missions
read the help at least one time
get 100 cash bonusses
use rockets 50 times
complete the level with 100% health
complete 9 special missions
defeat the tank
purchase all of the cars in the shop
Medals Earned: 3/5 (80/180 points)
die 10 times in one game
achieve your highest power level
obtain the power of the shrine
discover the secret ending
defeat the shrine without dying once
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/115 points)
Fall to the world below.
Collect 10 endurance fruits.
Kill 5 creatures.
Touch 100 flowers.
Kill 20 creatures.
Touch 300 flowers.
Max out your endurance bar.
Collect 11 gems.
Medals Earned: 1/18 (50/660 points)
Achieve the Rank CA
Watching kredit make me STRONG
Listen to a song linked in the credits
Where is he?
Stuck the landing
*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*
You knew he'd be in this game somewheres
Wake up and smell the snow
Achieve the Rank GI
Achieve the Rank IRO
Achieve the Rank PD
Achieve the Rank TB
Get a total of 101 fails
Find all 60 unique fails
Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)